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Energy Rate:3
Energy Cap:3
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Tilebots is a multiplayer game about robots building themselves while fighting other robots. Players take turns editing and moving their robot. The last robot in the arena wins!
Energy is used to build the robots. The amount of energy the current player has is displayed next to their name:
There are four tiles you can make your robot from:
The solid tile is your robot's head. If it is destroyed, your robot is eliminated from the game. This tile marks the center of your robot.
The empty tile is a body tile. It does nothing.
The tile with another square in it is a foot tile. It can't be used until your next turn.
The tile with an X in it is a weapon tile. It can't be used until your next turn.
Tiles that can't be used until your next turn are marked with a cross:
Use the +/- buttons to zoom in/out. Scroll to move the camera.
You begin your turn by recieving some energy. You'll get 3 energy, with a max of 6. If you have 6 or more energy, you won't get any this turn.
If you're taking your first turn, you have to place your head tile. Then your turn ends. Otherwise, you can make your robot bigger by clicking on empty squares to place body tiles. Any tile can be changed to foot/weapon tile by clicking on them. Both of these actions cost 1 energy, except changing an unfinished tile to another unfinished tile.
To finish your turn, click on your head tile. Doing so will put you in movement phase. You can then click on your head tile to stay put, or you can click one of your foot tiles to move the center of your robot there.
Each of your weapon tiles will destroy all enemy tiles they share a square with. You get one energy for every enemy tile you destroy.
Code by Thomas Mason
Font by Jakob Fischer at
Sounds from